Hannah and I went snorkeling in Belize. It is supposed to be the 2nd largest barrier reef.....2nd to Austrailia. It was so much fun and BEAUTIFUL! Hannah was hilarious....I had to hold her hand for the first 15 minutes....she did very well though. We saw a bunch of Barracuda fish too.....it was awesome.
This was on one of our formal nights. Hannah took over 250 pictures - she was a maniac with her camera. We took some very funny/cute pictures though.
Okay....so Hannah thought that she was so cool that she could go into a bar and they wouldn't kick her out. So, we went to every bar/lounge on the boat so she could take a picture. This is her pretending to be drunk....pretty believable, eh? She fell in love with one of my favorites.....the virgin pina colada.
This is Granny, Hannah and Anthony. Hannah recieved her first kiss from a "boy" on this cruise.....from Anthony.
We loved Anthony. He was amazing. He liked us too. We told him we'd be back.
Every night we would have the cutest animals made out of our towels. This was my favorite.....especially since he is holding chocolate.
AHHHHH...this is our beloved Melting Chocolate Cake. It was sooo good....we got it every night. It looks like it's nothing....but it's packed with a delightful surprise. I miss it already. Hannah is going through withdrawals.
Wowie! I'm green with envy. I want to go on a cruise so bad...maybe next year! Looks like you guys had a great time.
u and me are tight like this ( if u could c me right now ud c my fingers r doing the tight sign) we had a totally funizzle foshizzle time and i miss u my holmy tons and tons...We look hottizzle in those pazictures... forizzle i had the time of my life and I owe it all to u ooooooooooo....lol ok my holmes thr aint no gangsta folk in ma town so I just gotta brang it back evry once in a while...gotta keep it real karizzle
You were cruising and I was in surgery....so not fair! Carnival or Royal Caribbean who cares! You were still on a cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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