Sunday, December 16, 2007

The joys of being an Aunt

This weekend I went to Winchester to babysit for Dori and Brian while they went to a Bed &
Breakfast. I had so much fun I can't possibly write about everything in this blog. I will however, write about the highlights.

This is a picture that even I would not believe had I not actually taken the picture myself. The boys (Robbie 5 yrs and Shane 3 yrs) and I made pizza's for dinner. I could tell CeCe was tired during dinner but she managed to eat a slice of cheese pizza. I started cleaning up and looked over at her and she had pulled her shirt over her head. I noticed a minute later that it had not moved ~ I went over to her to play "peek-a-boo" thinking she was patiently waiting for me to say something to her and I realized she was ASLEEP! It was hilarious!

This is her right after her bath and AFTER I woke her up. She fell asleep around 8 so I put her in her crib. Robbie, Shane and I always sleep on an air mattress in the living room (on the main level) whenever I spend the night. CeCe woke up around 9 o'clock and started yelling "Ya Ya" from her crib. Robbie was the only one still awake and we had been talking and watching T.V. We decided to let CeCe cry for 5 minutes and then if she didn't put herself back to sleep we would go up and sing to her. Well, right before we were going to go up to her room, Robbie said "let's say a prayer so that CeCe goes to sleep" Robbie proceeded to say a prayer. As soon as he said "AMEN" she stopped crying...I mean INSTANTLY. We looked at each other in astonishment and Robbie throws both arms in the air and yelled " IT WORKED". We both busted out laughing and he flings his little hand over my mouth so CeCe can't hear us laughing. (which made me laugh more and LOUDER) We laughed for 5 minutes straight and I had tears streaming down my face. Our laughing fits are becoming a common event when I spend the night now. I swear you would think Robbie was a teenager with the humor he has and the things he "gets". The last time I was there and we had a laughing fit, Shane was throwing up in the bathroom and we got the giggles so bad! It was terrible and so funny all the same.

We had a WONDERFUL ice storm too. I am a little disappointed that we did not get the snow that was expected but we woke up to ice coated trees and it was beautiful.

It was a great weekend. I am always so happy when I spend time with my neices and nephews - I am so blessed to have such an amazing family!!!!

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