Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Catching up!

This will be the first of many posts over the next couple of days. I have a lot to catch up on! I will start out with my employee party and work backwards. My employee party was this past Sunday and Robbie has been my date for the past few years and we always look forward to going. We have a great time....he gets to see Santa and we eat and then we dance! Everyone loves Robbie and is happy to see him when he comes! He really is the "life" of our table. This year he accidently belched REALLY loud. Fun times.

I love this kid.

I don't know why he looks scared.....he told Santa he wanted a Fish and an iPod touch. I don't know what's more alarming.....the fact that he's 6 and knows what an iPod touch is or that he will actually use one!!!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Good to see your new post. It has been a long time. Hope all is well