Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The difference between Men and Women

My sister-in law sent these to me. They are from the cartoon 'Non Sequitur'~ I thought I'd post them because it's pretty true stuff - men and women communicate on a TOTALLY different level and style.

What she heard: "It's your lot in life to stop whatever you are doing in order to serve my every need"
What he said: "Honey, do you know if we have any more triple A batteries?"

What he heard: "You are way too stupid to be trusted driving alone in bad weather"
What she said: "Drive carefully dear"

What she heard: "You don't expect me to take care of the kids, clean the house and make dinner do you?"
What he said: "Feeling any better, honey?"

What he heard: "Honey, why don't you put your head in a vice and I'll turn the handle until your skull explodes"
What she said: "Honey, why don't we turn off the T.V. and just talk?"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Life and Adventures of YaYa

Take this test!
Your color is red, the color of racy sportscars, blushing cheeks, and luscious roses. Red symbolizes passion, romance, and love. So, since you're ruled by red, you probably trust your feelings more than your brain and tend to act spontaneously. If you see something you want, you go for it without thinking twice — impulsive is your middle name. You don't wait around for people to make decisions, either; you dive right in. Quite the romantic, you pay close attention to your emotions. In fact, if your heart isn't in what you're doing, you won't be satisfied. Of course, even when you do pour all your energy into the projects you tackle, your impetuous nature means your passions can shift as frequently as the wind. That's why some reds have trouble with commitment. Our advice? Next time you're feeling fickle, think before you act, if possible. You might be surprised at the results. Overall, though, it's great to be red. No one lives life more completely than you do.

SO, I got this from Laura's page. Not sure this is TOTALLY me, but I guess for the most part it is.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Maggie Mae's Car

This is Maggie Mae. She moved in with us at the beginning of the year. We really like Maggie Mae as she is generally up for any adventure that we throw at her. Maggie Mae's car wouldn't start last night, so... true to form, Daredevil was ON THE JOB! She put on her super hero outfit and out the door we ran. (Well, maybe not "ran"....more like a non-chalant walk)
We drove Maggie Mae to where her dead car was and then realized we were not EXACTLY sure how to bring it back to life. Daredevil pulled out her handy-dandy superhero instruction book and found that if we had done what we initially wanted to do, we would have sent Maggie Mae's car in a fiery ball 100 feet in the air (and possibly Daredevil's superhero ride as well) We were all thankful for Daredevil's insight. We hooked the cars up and NOTHING HAPPENED! Maggie Mae's car needed a little time to come back to life.....I think it was just mezmerized by Daredevil's ride - Anyway, now we can add "saved Maggie Mae's car's life" to the list of Daredevil's superhero feats of bravery.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I hate it. Well, it's not that I HATE it, it's just that I prefer to drink other things. Well, okay....I hate it. I hate it even more with a slice of lemon floating around in it. Gross. It's all I can do to get just ONE bottle down a day....that's a mere 24 fluid ounces out of the 64 ounces a person is to consume in one day. It's a very rare day that I drink more water than that. I can't help it if I'm not thirsty and let's be honest...who wants to be running to the bathroom every half hour. I know what you are thinking....you're saying "your body gets used to it and you don't have to "go" as much". Sure. I tried it. You're a liar.

I've tried flavored water. Just because it's a pretty color or has pretty fruit on the front of it does not mean it tastes good. I'm okay with some of that vitamin water stuff but then you get the sugar AND calories so it kind of defeats the purpose. My friend suggested Crystal Light - which I do like however, have you ever spilled that stuff on your counter? IT DOESN'T COME OFF!!!! It stains kind of like jello does, but much worse; which raises a red flag ~ I mean...do I really want to ingest this stuff?

I know how good water is for the body. I know the benefits as well as the consequences of not drinking enough....it's my profession for heaven's sakes but I JUST CAN'T FORCE MYSELF TO DO IT! So alas, I'm left to dehydrate unless someone invents a pill I can take that will equal 64 ounces of water. I'll even donate money to the cause.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools

So, I need to give a little background about this story. A little over 3 years ago Lettuce Wraps bought a house with some of his siblings. Before I moved in, there was a lot of work to be done and the basement needed to be finished. We worked on the house for a month straight - EVERY night after work until the wee hours of the morning.

Anyway, one night Lettuce Wraps and I were painting and fixing things and he needed to go up into the attic to fix the bathroom fan. I heard him start to climb the ladder to go into the attic and I hear a "whoa!" and then "Kara, come here." So I go over to him and he says (with a HUGE grin) "Go up there." I think there's a dead animal or something and I tell him he's crazy but he finally convinces me to climb up there. I start to climb up and as I am about to stick my head into the attic I see this huge doll staring at me! He had propped the doll so that it was looking down as you were climbing up. It was TOTALLY creepy and freaked me out. BUT that's not all......the attic was full of naked baby dolls! Seriously.....it was so weird.

Well, the other night this story came up and it gave me a great idea for April Fools. Once again Daredevil was my accomplice. We got all of the dolls down from the attic and put them all over Lettuce Wraps room while he was at work. The story is told in pictures below:

Daredevil with her mining light afixed to her head. There were no lights in the attic. She is so brave.

The first doll extracted from it's living quarters.

Some were not full dolls.

And one was not a doll at all. This is the GOOD side of this donkey. The other side is quite frightful.

Eerie. More parts than whole dolls. What do you think that means?

This is the lot of them...unfortunately, they were covered in insulation. OLD insulation.

We had to clean them up.

This is how they slept in Daredevil's room. I wanted to sneak into her room in the middle of the night and put them all around her on her bed! Alas, she is a light sleeper!

Lettuce Wraps room. The sign says "That's what she said"....an inside joke.

When my neice saw this picture she said "yaya!"........that just makes this all that much more funny.

Here's one picking out shoes for Lettuce Wraps to wear.

This one clearly had too much to drink.


No comment.

So, that's it. We left a video camera running in his room so that we could see his expression upon entering his newly inhabited room. The funny thing is.....he didn't realize there was a camera until I came over hours later. Don't you worry....I made a mental note of that!