I've tried flavored water. Just because it's a pretty color or has pretty fruit on the front of it does not mean it tastes good. I'm okay with some of that vitamin water stuff but then you get the sugar AND calories so it kind of defeats the purpose. My friend suggested Crystal Light - which I do like however, have you ever spilled that stuff on your counter? IT DOESN'T COME OFF!!!! It stains kind of like jello does, but much worse; which raises a red flag ~ I mean...do I really want to ingest this stuff?
I know how good water is for the body. I know the benefits as well as the consequences of not drinking enough....it's my profession for heaven's sakes but I JUST CAN'T FORCE MYSELF TO DO IT! So alas, I'm left to dehydrate unless someone invents a pill I can take that will equal 64 ounces of water. I'll even donate money to the cause.
I am the WRONG person to add to this discussion because if I could have a Diet Coke IV I would!! BUT.... my new rule is.... for every diet coke, I have to drink 2-3 glasses of water first. Yeah....HA HA.... I haven't been very diligent but it is good in theory.
if you really knew the benefits, you'd suck it up and just drink the stuff. I mean, honestly, it's not fear factor!
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