It started raining/sleeting around 3pm yesterday. For those of you that live in the area (or have lived in the area) you know how treacherous our ice storms are.
Well, after dinner last night my roommate (the courageous Katie Hinckley which will hereafter be called "daredevil diva") and I decided to take a stroll to our neighborhood CVS to purchase dishwashing liquid. Really, we just wanted to get out of the house and thought it would be an adventure to walk in the sleet/ice.
We should have known what we were in for. Upon stepping out of our front door onto our concrete porch we slid right off into the grass! Now, the grass was okay....you could get some sort of traction but the sidewalks and streets were a sheet of black ice.
We slowly made our way down the street....well, let me re-phrase. We slowly shuffled down the street, slipping and sliding the whole time. I actually ended up in a side splits (luckily I am still pretty flexible from my gymnast days) and tried to get up and ended up in a downward dog position (for those yoga buffs). "Daredevil Diva" tried to come to my rescue but it was so comical. I wish we would have had a camera - my stomach hurt from laughing so hard - or maybe it was because I pulled every muscle on my very graceful display.
At one point, we had to hold on to a tractor that was parked on the side of the street to pass by. I thought one of us would end up under it for sure. Daredevil blazed the way for the most part so I just watched her and stayed away from the spots that caused her to breakdance like a champ.
We finally got to CVS but I was so drained and TIRED and couldn't possibly figure out how we were going to make it home because most of the trip would be downhill! My hair was a helmet of ice - rather becoming really.
We called our ever faithful and loyal friend Jeremy (which will hereafter be called "polite playmate"). "Polite Playmate" had retired to his bed already and was in his pj's but came out to rescue us from our dangerous dilema. We thank him for saving our lives and will forever be indebted to him for his kindness.
While at CVS, we bought some ICE MELT which worked great and I am thankful I was able to get to my car safely this morning. It's beautiful....ice covered trees look magical. It's funny to think that something so beautiful can also be so dangerous...kind of like Daredevil Diva.