Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Girls

SO, I have a temperature.......AGAIN!!! Sometimes when I get sick, I get very nostalgic and tonight I started thinking about "my girls". I do not keep in touch as much as I'd like to but I still love them just the same. We shared a time in our lives that was full of learning and growth and built a friendship that will last for eternity. This was the last day of our "presidency". I told them that Laura would get married first, then Heather, then Tema and then me. I said I couldn't possibly get married until I was certain everyone was "taken care of". SO, Tema needs to get on the ball !!! I understand she's very busy traveling with Gladys Knight and all but c'mon........

This was our trip to St. Thomas. It was my first time outside of the United States. We had so much fun. This is a picture of our private tour of St. John. Tema HOOKED us up! Later that night Heather saved my life from a GIANT cockroach that was as big as my head. I will forever be in debt. She was fearless.

St. Thomas celebrates Bastille Day. We went to a party and danced the night away! I even had a boyfriend that night named Robert. He kept asking me to dance.... he was DRUNK as a skunk and was about 6 inches shorter than me and smelled horrible. Good times.

This is Robert.

Heather and I decided on a whim to go on a cruise. It was a 4 day cruise over Thanksgiving to the Bahamas. It was the first cruise for both of us and we LOVED it. Here we's formal night. We were asked to sit at the Captain's table for dinner. Merill Stubbing eat your heart out~

The next Thanksgiving I went with Laura to Hawaii. This is one of my favorite pictures - there is a big sign saying "Caution...Bees" Laura actually got stung - I could not stop laughing-she was screaming in pain. HILARIOUS!

Finally, this is me and Heather at Laura's wedding. Sept 11 happened 2 days before we were supposed to fly down to Mississippi to be her bridesmaids. All flights were grounded. Initially, we told Laura we couldn't come but then again....on a whim (kind of a theme with Heather and I), we decided to DRIVE to Mississippi to be in her wedding. We made it 12 hours before she got married and left 2 hours after she got married to start driving back home. It was very fun and WHAT AN ADVENTURE!

I LOVE YOU GUYS and MISS YOU and even though I don't keep in touch as much as I'd like to, you will FOREVER be "my girls".


blogger456 said...

holy smokes kara..... serious blast from the past pictures.... kinda cool to remember it all.

Merianne said...

What presidency was this? Looks like you girls are such great friends.

YaYa said...

This was when I was RS Pres of Langley. Tema was my 1st counselor, Heather was my 2nd and Laura was the VERY organized secretary. We had a great time and LOVED serving together.

Hedderg said...

Awwwww, what a stroll down memory lane! I had no idea such fun pictures were going to pop up when I pulled this post up. . . made me a bit misty. What a great time of life that was, miss you and the rest of you girls terribly! Sending love from Georgia! p.s why don't we all keep in contact better? Have you heard from Tema recently?

Hedderg said...

Oh yeah, and couldn't you find a picture from Laura's wedding with my eyes open?????? Do I need to send the one with H grabbing my rear?

YaYa said...


Laura said...

I have sat here and cried and laughed all at the same time--what memories we have! WE DO NEED TO DO BETTER AT KEEPING IN TOUCH! ROBERT--I forgot about him!!lmao!!!-then I go and marry a Robert! LOL!! Miss you guys bunches and bunches--

Hannah Tull said...

did u know LMAO doesn't stand for Lamo well I didn't but I just found out! Kara why are u swearing???