Thursday, March 27, 2008

The little blue pill

So, VIAGRA is 10 years old today. Happy Birthday Viagra. I wish there was some way we could celebrate.
Last night at dinner with Daredevil and Playmate (btw; I've been thinking I should change his name so that he will not be confused with ladies from playboy.....hmmm...his new name will forever be "Lettuce Wraps" ) Anyway, last night at dinner with Daredevil and Lettuce Wraps we were thinking that the green M&M's should pair up with Viagra (see story about the green M&M's below) BUT, then we realized that plan could go dangerously awry when elementary particular boys......would get ahold of them. They wouldn't know what hit 'em. Just imagine the chaos in 4th grade Math class - no boys would want to go up to the board.

I know I's pretty funny....we agree.

P.S. The ONLY reason I know it's a little blue pill is because it has been all over the news today.

1 comment:

Jen said...

your blog is cracking me up lately!