I remember the day my father passed away. I was holding it together pretty well until Eileen and her sisters walked through my basement door and then I lost it. I knew she felt what I was feeling. She loved my father and he loved her (as well as her sisters) Growing up, I think she got just as many hugs and kisses from him as I did~

This is Christina (or Tina....I am one of the few that she allows to still call her Tina) We met our Freshman year of High School and instantly became great friends. This picture was taken when we were 15. I spent most of my HS weekends with Tina and we have some VERY funny stories that we are taking to our graves! Tina makes me laugh - A LOT. She remembers a lot more of our "adventures" and I am grateful for her memory - I'm not sure if I blocked these stories out for a reason but she helps me jog my memory and we laugh at the insanity of our actions as teenage girls. She is also like a sister to me. She practically lived at my house and still hung out with my sisters when I went away to college. When Tina got her first "real" job my mother made her a couple dresses so she would look professional. We laugh because we think she looked more like a Quaker. But.....big collars were the style back then and Tina picked out the pattern herself~

True friends who love you for who you are, who you have been, and who you are striving to become, are wonderful blessings. I am lucky and VERY blessed to have these women in my life and to have had them in my life for so long. I know that when I am old and gray I will be able to look back on my life and see the wonderful influence and support these two women have been to me. I love them dearly.